Sunday, January 24, 2021


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6


My wife and I undertook a small home improvement project this weekend. We decided to dress up the back door entryway by painting the area then installing wainscoting white board, along with a center board and three coat hooks attached. And to finish it off, install a metal sign I had purchased last year. We both agreed on the concept and that I would do the woodwork installation. When it came time to do the work, my wife asked what she could do, I replied “stay out of my way.”


Not to sound rude, but the work area was small and the board required specific cuts to work around an electrical switch. I needed to concentrate on what I was doing so it would turn out right. She willingly stepped aside as I did the work, but made herself available when I needed more than two hands. She was awesome, and put the finishing touches on the paint job. Together we knocked it out and something we are proud of doing together.


Our journey with the Lord is much like this weekend’s project. God has specific plans for your life and the last thing He needs is for you to get in the way of His work. So often we desire for something to go a certain way and we try to step in and take over the work of God. Lord knows I’ve done exactly that in the past and I’ve messed up some great work God had planned for my life.


For I know the thoughts (or plans) that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11


Trust me friend, God’s plans include great things for your life. Every day you must pray and seek after His direction. When you work in unison with Him, blessings will shower down in your life, then you’ll know you are supporting and trusting the Lord for your life’s plans! God bless!!!

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