Sunday, January 10, 2021

 But your iniquities have made separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear. Isaiah 59:2


Years ago, a lady made a statement at a bible study I was leading saying, “I sit on my back porch and wait to hear from God and never hear anything.” I should have been bold and asked her status with God, but avoided that question. Sadly, she recently passed and I wonder if she ever established that communication with God.


When you purposefully sin, you in essence build a wall between you and God. The longer you stay in sin, the higher that wall becomes, to the point you can’t see or hear from God. Yes, as Christians our sins are forgiven, but our sin can hinder our view of God and ability to hear His voice. Confession and REPENTANCE (no longer living in that sin), knocks down the wall that separates you from God. I personally have experienced this and life was in chaos for me until I completely repented.


The Christian life is no easy road. It’s a conscience decision to live within His will on a daily basis. Saying no to sin (and we all know the sins we battle), keeps the line of sight between you and God clear. If you are a child of God, you should want to please Him and receive His blessings in your life.


How’s your communication with God? Do you struggle to hear from Him or see Him working in your life? Take time to evaluate your life and how you are living. Ask God to reveal those things, in your life, that are used as materials to build a wall between you and Him. Once recognized, ask for His forgiveness and no longer partake in them. God will help you in your struggle to live a purposeful life for Him. God bless  

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