Friday, January 1, 2021

 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11


Happy New Year! As most cautiously enter 2021 with uncertain expectations of what this year will bring, God has a future of hope and peace for you. Let me emphasize one word in this verse: “future”. He has plans for your tomorrow.


If you spend much time reading the bible, you know God has plans to prosper you, strengthen you, encourage you and help you through life. His love meters out the daily challenges in your life to prepare you for tomorrow. He is constantly growing your faith and encouraging you to trust Him with every obstacle that faces you. No doubt 2020 had many obstacles and some have pushed back from their faith or trust in the Lord.


It that is you, I challenge you to come back into the fold of Christ. He loves you unconditionally and will restore your relationship with Him even more today and every tomorrow. Nothing that happens is beyond His knowledge and if you are truly in line with His will, He has prepared you for what lies ahead in 2021. Trust Him today as you take day one into the next day, weeks and months moving forward. God has your back and is ready to provide for your every need this year. God bless!

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