Sunday, February 21, 2021

 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14


I’ve seen a lot of new relationships form with my friends on social media. With this Covid pandemic, singles have had more time at home, on their computers, connecting with people, in hopes of developing something further. That’s how I actually met my wife and it has been a wonderful union.


Today’s verse is a reminder for the child of God to connect with fellow believers. I can tell you from personal experience, some of the most trying relationships for me have been with people who haven’t had a personal relationship with Jesus. Yea, they might have been good people, but good is not enough in the family of God. We all come clean by the precious blood of Christ.


Joining in a relationship with someone of faith, brings more stability to the relationship by being equally minded, having one goal, to live for Christ. When your partner doesn’t have the same priorities as you, someone usually has to compromise, and sadly many children of faith fall short of their walk just to please their new found friend. God never intended for you to sell yourself short of his blessings with someone opposite of your beliefs.


Partnering with a fellow believer makes it easy to pray for one another, encourage each other in their walk with the Lord and attend worship service together. I encourage you friend, if you are in an unequally yoked relationship, it might be best to sever ties now than to lose out on God’s blessings and weaken your faith. Be equally yoked and let God be the center of everything you do with your partner! God bless!

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