Wednesday, February 24, 2021

You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:3


In battle, soldiers must remain committed to the fight. Together as a unit, the soldiers fight the enemy as a unified force. Yes, they might be scared, tired and feel defeated at times, but they can never give up no matter how intense the battle.

 If you are a living, breathing child of God, you know the struggle is real to sustain your faith. It seems everywhere you turn, things and people are working against you through their actions, beliefs, words, especially the restrictions we see put on Christians trying to live in this crazy world, and lets not forget the challenges during the Covid pandemic.


Thankfully you are not an army of one. You are in the Lord’s army, one of millions who have marched through the peaks and valleys of life, even in the shadows of death, committed to Jesus to the very end. But what’s important is that you remain committed to the Lord and your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter how intense the battle. We are unified in the body of Christ. There is no turning back from your faith, just the journey ahead.


Find strength and courage to live out your faith, day by day, looking to the Lord for sustainment as you endure hardships as a good soldier does. One day your greeting into Heaven will be “well done my good and faithful servant”. God bless!

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