Tuesday, April 2, 2024

 But the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Luke 12:7

 As I write this blog, there are currently 8.1 billion people living on this planet, and that number is rising at a rapid pace. With all these people, you might feel a bit insignificant. Social media has done more damage than good by allowing people’s pride to shine through their photos and achievements, and all those “likes”. This can make you feel less of a person, exactly where Satan wants you to be emotionally, mentally, even physically. We might not want to admit it, but that toxic thing called “envy” creeps in an affects how we feel about others, including self. I too have been caught up in this rat race and it can be emotionally damaging.

 The good news is, you aren’t insignificant to God. Jesus Christ stated in Luke 12:7 that the very hairs on your head are numbered. For some of us, that’s a lot, for others…well…we could use a few more, but whose counting hairs these days anyhow? You are unique, specially made by God for a specific purpose in life. Those Facebook posts of other’s achievements have nothing to do with the great things God has in store for you, so don’t let them affect how you feel about yourself. After living 58 years, I can assure you, everyone has battles and struggles they face every day, no one is perfect, some just have different qualities than you and I, and that is ok.

 Next time you are feeling down and insignificant in this great big world, be reminded that you are a child of the King, specially made for His glory, and how you shine will differ than everyone else’s light, so shine bright and remember, you are specially made! God bless!

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