Monday, April 29, 2024

 ‭Matthew 16:25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it

As I get older, I realize there are more important things to life than stuff, financial security, good health, and relationships. Yes, those are all good, but God offers something special, that can only be obtained by living an obedient and sacrificial life in Jesus Christ. I'm sure you are like me in that you find life more enjoyable when things go smoothly and needs are met. God desires for you to have a fulfilling life as well, but only by reliance on His provisions.

Today's passage reminds us that if we spend the majority of our life trying to benefit us, we will lose our focus on God's provisions and blessings. I can tell you from personal experience, I see the hand of God working when I have less material things to focus on. Recently I sold my motorcycle, which I thoroughly enjoyed riding. It was a big part of my life, yet I felt deep inside it was more than a simple pleasure, it was a distraction to my relationship with God. I have no regrets of selling it, and look forward to more time focusing on areas of my life that I need God’s intervention. 

You can spend a lifetime pleasing yourself, but in the end it will simply be a memory. Why not give more of your attention to the lasting things of God and be witness to His presence in your everyday life. I promise you'll never regret the things sacrificed for a closer relationship with your Heavenly Father. 

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