Wednesday, April 10, 2024

 ‭James 3:12 Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both saltwater and fresh. 

We were sitting in church a few Sundays ago and my wife broke out some Sprite flavored Tic Tacs. All of a sudden, the three of us made this grimacing face because they tasted awful. I think Lori's daughter tried to spit hers out. I'm sure the preacher probably wondered what was up on our pew. 

Jesus used today's passage as an illustration how children of God shouldn't talk worldly. You are either hot or cold, lukewarm and God will spew you out and of His mouth (Revelations). Just like that Tic Tac we thought would be good turned out bad. 

What comes out of your mouth? God approved? You are a child of the King. Make a decision today to honor God by speaking the truth, reflecting God's character and moral integrity. Don't leave a bad impression; your words, your actions, and thoughts can positively influence those around you to see Jesus living in and through your life. 

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