Saturday, August 15, 2020

 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. Colossians 2:8


It’s easy to find answers to many of life’s questions with use of the internet. Anytime I have a question or want to learn about something, I open my Google app, type in the question, and there is the answer. Where does this information come from that I read? Man. Man and his understanding of the topic I searched. But just how solid is man’s wisdom? It seems in today’s society there are mixed views on life and the right way to live.


For the Christian, the only valuable and truthful resource for life’s questions is found in God’s word, the bible. Through my years of studying God’s word, I’ve come to realize that finding answers to life’s questions in the bible is a two-part process. First is prayer. When I lift my question before God, He begins to direct me to scripture that provides truthful answers to my question. Yea, I might use Google to find related scriptures, but I always read the passages from the bible. Man’s interpretation of God’s word can lead you down the wrong path. Stick with God’s word always.


Secondly, as I read passages from the bible, God funnels wisdom into my brain, so I can understand what I’m reading and make sense of what He is telling me. Sometimes the wisdom is understood immediately, and sometimes it make take a day or so to process. But eventually His truth becomes clearer as I search for truth and answers to life’s situations.


What are you searching for in life? Got questions? Seek after God’s Holy word and ask Him to impart wisdom so you will have the right answers to life’s questions, every day! God bless!

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