Monday, August 31, 2020


From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. John 6:66


Have you ever lost a close friend or family member? Maybe it was a disagreement or some outside influence occurred, as a result it separated you from that person or persons. Life is always changing and sometimes even the closest people to our heart leave us.


As we see in today’s scripture, some of Jesus closest followers stopped following Him. In the verses preceding, Jesus spoke the truth about who He was, the Son of God. Sadly, some of those people who followed Him for days, maybe even weeks, simply couldn’t grasp this truth and they left Him. Thankfully, Jesus chosen 12 disciples remained loyal and continued to believe His words and followed Him.


Are you feeling the painful loss of someone close to you? Friends and family may come and go, but the truth is Jesus will never leave you, nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Jesus felt the same pain you are going through. Ask God to heal your heart and lean on the ones who remain steadfast in their loyalty to you. You don’t need a huge audience, just a strong foundation of friends and family who love and support you. God planted those chosen friends in your life, just for you! God bless!

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