Friday, August 7, 2020


If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. John 14:15


Do you struggle with certain sins? Maybe its gossip, lying, lusting, cheating….the list is endless. Every time you say to yourself, I’m not going to do these things. Yet, just as you say you aren’t going to do them, you walk right back into the same, comfortable sin, you’ve battled with for what seems forever. Yea, hands raised all over the room!


God has been talking to me about sin and the reason I struggle. First off we know that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of wickedness, the devil (Ephesians 6:12). The devil is very clever and knows our weaknesses. It’s like someone hanging a piece of cheese outside a mouse’s hole in the wall. Eventually the temptation will bring us out from the comfort of our security in Christ. But, what pushes us to the point of accepting that cheese and partaking of the sin act? That’s the question God has been asking me and each time, today’s verse comes to mind. Do I love sin more than God? How deep is my devotion to God?


Let me share that same question with you in regards to your frequent sin pattern. Do you love your sin more than God? Most likely your answer is no, but your actions might prove otherwise.


Just like having a spouse, you are committed to that person out of your love and devotion to them. Why not have that kind of intimate relationship with God? Get to know Him more, spend time in daily prayer and bible reading. As you draw closer to Him, He will draw closer to you and your love will certainly grow for God. As a result, your commitment to God will give you the strength to say NO to the cheese temptation satan is dangling before you. Loving God more will bring a stronger commitment to Him, less occurrences of spiritual failure and blessings will shower you for your devotion to the One who loves you most! God bless

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