Saturday, May 27, 2023

 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Acts 16:25

 I recall in my youth someone had invented a compact ladder that could be stored on the second floor of a building and used as a way of escaping a house fire by climbing down from a window. This great idea turned into a lifesaver for thousands of families who experienced a horrific situation, yet found safety through this newly invented item. Do you own one of these ladders in your home?

 Today’s passage follows the story of Paul and Silas who commanded an evil spirit of divination to come out from a young girl who was gifted with hidden knowledge by supernatural means. Her caretakers were using her as a way to make them rich (Acts 16:16-24). Once the spirit left her, she was no longer productive in making money and her owners had Paul and Silas severely beaten and thrown in prison. While shackled and secured inside the inner jail, they began to pray and sing hymns to God. God moved in that prison through an earthquake, that shook them loose of their shackles. The prison guard heard them singing and when found them free, asked how he and his family could be saved.

 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

 Sometime in your life you’ll find yourself in bad situations; possibly a house fire, a frightening health report or maybe even locked up for your faith in Jesus Christ. Just like that ladder of safety, call out to God in those desperate times and He will make a way of escape and get you through it. Praising God, even in the direst of times, will change your environment around you, including those who watch how you respond to the crises at hand. Don’t give in to the pressures of life, praise God in those moments and find safety through God’s awesome ability to shake the ground and loosen the shackles that were meant to keep you stifled by the enemy. Praising God always brings a better outcome! God bless!

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