Wednesday, May 24, 2023

 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27

 Several years ago, I used to help a friend tend to his cattle while he was out of town flying for Delta. Every time I’d go to the farm, I would gather the cows in the pen, by feeding them, then look over their condition and count to make sure all were accounted for. As soon as my maroon-colored Chevrolet truck entered the pasture, those cattle knew it was feed time and would follow me down to the barn. Even if I showed up for other work, they still came, expecting to be fed.

 Today’s verse comes straight from the words of Jesus Christ. As a Christian, you are one of His sheep and it should be obvious when He is doing a work in your life, that you would automatically know it’s Him. Unfortunately, Satan can oftentimes mimic godly blessings, deceiving you into believing it’s actually God working on your behalf. As you follow down that path to receive God’s blessing, you fall prey to Satan’s trap and end up with nothing but misery and feeling empty.

 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

 It’s easy to focus on what appears to be a blessing and miss what God is really trying to tell you. It’s easier to put the cart before the horse, but truthfully the blessing comes by seeking God first, remaining obedient to Him and His timeline, then His blessing will be pure, true and useful to grow your faith, not weaken it. Truly knowing God and what He has instore for your life takes time, sometimes years, but the wait is worth the goodness He has in store for you! Get to know Him better every day and you’ll never lose sight of His perfect plan for your life.

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