Thursday, May 25, 2023

 My soul melts from heaviness; Strengthen me according to Your word. Psalm 119:28

Have you ever found yourself in a pit of pitty? Nothing seemed to go right, you felt abandoned by those you love and the thought of tomorrow's trials weighted heavy on your soul. But then, you read something positive or had someone give you much needed encouragement that finally lifted the weight and you were back living life with joy. 

Life, no doubt, can be an emotional rollercoaster and oftentimes it's one setback that can wreck any hope or joy you had from the mountaintop experiences of life. Friend, I encourage you to make time every day to read God's word. It's full of wisdom, encouragement, and most of all God's promises to remain faithful to His followers, that includes you. Psalms and Proverbs are my favorites and oftentimes I'll copy verses on a recipe card and read them often just to keep His word fresh in my mind. 

Counter life's negative by reading the positive words of God. They will help sustain you during life's trials and keep you from falling into the pit. Life has too many blessings to experience without wasting time in the dumps. Check the Word today! God bless. 

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