Monday, May 6, 2024

 ‭Proverbs 13:11 Wealth gained  by dishonesty will be diminished, But he who gathers by labor will increase.

Let's face it, under these tough financial times, we look for ways to get ahead. From selling belongings, to picking up extra work, even playing the lottery, we try to find ways to gain a little extra cash to stay afloat while prices are soaring. 

Today's passage is a good reminder of how to truly get ahead financially….working for it. Sadly, there are some people out there willing to get ahead by deception. They might not get caught, but God sees what's going on and the heart's intentions, and eventually those ill gotten gains will backfire, leaving the deceptors bankrupt emotionally, and quite frankly in trouble with the law. Trust me friend, you don't want to go there. 

Your ideas of making some extra cash might be good, even come with good intentions, but make sure they are done fairly and with God's approval. Otherwise, you'll find yourself in worse shape than when you started this endeavor to get ahead. 

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