Thursday, May 30, 2024

 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 118:29

 Last night my wife and I were talking to our friendly neighbors about the way things were in previous years and how fortunate we are today with God’s blessings. As we talked about the struggles and challenges of yesterday, you could see God’s continual intervention to yield a brighter today and all those tomorrows.

 As I prayed for God to give me scripture for a blog, He sent me to today’s verse. As I read it, I thought only God can align verses to match the conversations of the day. As I prayed, I spent a considerable amount of time thanking God for His blessings. As I thanked Him for specific things, it was like the flood gates opened up to new things I hadn’t considered….like His continual love, grace, and mercy that has sustained me even in times of desperation and feeling defeated. Every aspect of God’s love envelopes the worries and challenges of the day with His overwhelming power and ability to overcome each and every one. “THESE THINGS I HAVE SPOKEN TO YOU, THAT IN ME YOU MAY HAVE PEACE. IN THE WORLD YOU WILL HAVE TRIBULATION; BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD.” John 16:33

 When was the last time you truly spent time thanking God for all He’s done for you, both physically and spiritually? When you do, you recall more and more of His goodness and recognize His presence has been with you, throughout your life, on a continual basis. God is no different than you, He loves it when He is thanked. Take time today to thank Him and see your awareness of His goodness increase over the coming days and weeks. Never stop thanking God for His continual blessings!  

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