Wednesday, September 25, 2024

 Deuteronomy 16:8 Six days you shall eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day there shall  be a sacred assembly to the Lord your God. You shall do no work on  it. 

Before Jesus was born, God commanded His people to take off a day from work to worship Him. God knew the pursuit of money, through work, and business of life could totally consume them, putting them at risk for not focusing on God. The Jewish people took this to heart, literally preparing themselves so they didn't have to focus on anything but God on that one day of rest. 

Somewhere along the way we’ve lost that sacred tradition, as many businesses remain open 7 days a week and people fill their time off from laboring with pleasures that promote anything but God. No wonder we are living in stressful times. 

Making money to support your family is important, but when it or other endeavors are put before God, you lose out on His blessings and that free time seems to be used up at a quicker rate. 

As we near the weekend, I encourage you to make time to rest and worship God. He has done so much for our country that we should be thankful for His blessings poured out over this great nation. Without our worship, God's hand of protection will be removed, opening us up for physical attacks, like 9/11, to draw us back for dependence upon Him. 

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