Sunday, September 29, 2024

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

 Fall is my favorite time of the year, as it brings in cooler temperatures, beautiful colors on the trees, a refreshing breeze, and unwelcomed pollen. Well, we haven’t had much of the Fall ingredients, but the pollen has definitely arrived and my sinuses are suffering. As we get ready for our Judgment Journey production at church, I still have a lot to do and my body wants to lay low and do very little. Don’t have time for that, so I’ve been praying frequently for God to restore me back to good health so I can finish the work which began over a year ago.

 When doing the Lord’s work, you’ve got to know Satan will do all he can to disrupt progress. He threw a hurricane at us this past week and through much prayer, God protected our community, and the various scenes of our production from damage and flooding. I see in the news another potential storm will be brewing and again has our community in its sights. Prayers for God’s protection must continue for the show to go on!

 Life is like that, you know. We set out to achieve some special tasks, and it’s met with resistance. When that happens, doubt and discouragement can easily creep in and reduce your confidence to the point you want to simply give up. Today’s verse encourages us to walk by faith, and not let the visible troubles discourage you. God is on your side and He knows what it takes to accomplish the task. Why not trust Him with it through prayer and faith in His ability to see it through, not matter what the external circumstances looks like? I can promise you, if its His will, He will do everything in His power to help you accomplish the work you began.

 Maybe you are facing a big project at work and you can already feel the resistance from others, it’s a troubled relationship and your partner doesn’t seem to care about what happens, or maybe it’s a poor health report and the news doesn’t appear to have a positive outcome. Take it to God in prayer and have faith that He will provide you His very best! He will do it because He loves you. You are His creation, Your Heavenly Father, and He loves to embrace your troubles with you. If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can tell this mountain to move and it shall be moved. Matthew 17:20



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