Sunday, September 22, 2024

 I Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 

Every morning I put out corn for the deer that reside in the woods next to my house. A momma and her two babies routinely come up to feed every morning. It's fun to watch them, and they've become relaxed when approaching their feed. But, they are always postured, ready to run at the first sign of danger. 

Today's verse reminds us that the devil is always on the prowl, waiting for us to get comfortable in our setting, so he can slip in some temptation, one opportune moment, or corral emotions to steer us towards something spiritually dangerous. You see and hear about it all the time, perfectly normal people who turn from good to bad without much thought, and end up living a lifetime of regret, sometimes taking their own life. 

As children of God, we should never get “comfortable” in our worldly setting. Compromising our beliefs and values open the door for Satan to slip in something damaging to us. Looking back, I can see times in my life where I was comfortable, maybe even confident, in my faith that I walked easily into one of his traps. No one is immune from his plans, especially when you are serving God on the battlefield. 

Staying prayed up and setting limits on what you do, think, read, ingest, and take pleasure in, will help you remain alert to the wiles of the devil. 

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