Tuesday, March 30, 2021

 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. 1 Corinthians 10:13 


As I passed by a local high school, on my way to work, I looked up at the top floor of the gymnasium and saw a little red “Exit” sign shining in the darkness of the building. It stood out, even from the roadway and today’s passage came to mind.


How many times have you committed a sin and afterwards wished you had avoided the temptation in the first place? If you are truthful, you will agree the lure of sin can take your focus off trying to do the right thing. Satan is the master of deception and the longer you contemplate the temptation, the more he convinces you its ok to follow through with your pursuit in that pleasure.


Today’s verse provides hope for God’s children. First, “no temptation has seized you except what is common to man.” The temptations you encounter are not foreign to God. He Himself was tempted many times during His 33 years on earth. Secondly, “He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.” God filters out everything that comes into your life. Trust me when I say this, He wont allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. Finally, “He will also provide an escape.” No temptation you encounter comes without an “EXIT”! The choice is yours weather to pursue it or turn from it.


You know your weaknesses. The best thing you can do is plan your escape route in advance for the next time Satan lures you in. Shut off the TV, avoid certain places, keep your eyes focused away from the poison….there are many ways to escape, you just need to determine your escape route and stick to it. God will bless you for your obedience and faithfulness to Him! God bless  

Sunday, March 28, 2021

 Now when Jesus had com into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with a fever. So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them. Matthew 8:14-15


Yesterday Lori an I had the privilege of working with our brothers and sisters in Christ by serving up bbq plates and witnessing to those who came up to receive the free food. I can tell you God provided perfect weather and a good crowd of people who stopped by and received the message of Salvation.


I asked one young lady if she died today, would she be Heaven bound. Without hesitation she responded “yes”. I asked why she knew this to be true. She told me months ago she was in a horrible car wreck and actually died several times while they worked on her. When she awoke, she was told by doctors that she’d never walk again. During this difficult time, she said that she encountered Jesus, face to face, and He completely healed her. Through all of this she put her faith and trust in the Lord. Before she left, I prayed with her. As I prayed, God spoke to me, through my prayer, to encourage her to share her remarkable story of healing and the awesome encounter with Jesus.


God sometimes allows the most horrific situations to come into our life to put us in a place to serve Him. As with this young lady, she had a powerful story to tell about Her Savior’s healing hand and assurance that upon death, she would stand in the presence of the Lord. Amen!


What has God done in your life to bring healing to you or bring you through a difficult situation? You have a story to share with others. God wants to use you to bring others to Himself. You can help in that ministry through sharing your own personal experiences. It’s that easy. Go and share the good news of what Jesus has done in your life and see others come to Christ because of His plan and purpose in your life! God bless!

Saturday, March 20, 2021

 The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:17b


Growing up in a Christian home helped shape me into the person I am today. Far from perfect, yet I have a set of beliefs that are the foundation of how I try to live my life on a daily basis. I need to give much credit to those who have prayed for me over the years, specifically my grandmother, Nedra Baldridge.


Grandma E, as I called her, was a very spiritual woman, who was devoted to studying God’s word on a daily basis and prayed like no other person I have ever known. We always use to say Grandma had a “hotline” to Heaven. Whenever we were in need, we requested she pray for us, and she faithfully did…which oftentimes resulted in a specific response from God. Her prayers were powerful and God listened when she called for His help.


So where am I going with today’s blog? I want to encourage you, when you find yourself in need of God’s help, pray, and ask others to pray on your behalf. Not just anyone, seek out those who you know will actually pray and have a commitment to continue in prayer. I’ve lived 55 years and I can tell you prayer changes things, it changes people’s behavior, it orchestrates actions and plans to align with God’s will.


As a child of God, He has your best interest at heart. I know this because He provides us His Holy Spirit. Even His Holy Spirit prays on our behalf. Romans 8:26  When we seek His help, He is going to listen and respond. Having the prayer support of other believers covers you with more of God’s blessings and He will provide a purposeful response to your request. I can’t tell you how many times I have actually seen His response perfectly align with my request, it is almost scary at times. So, be careful what you ask of God.


The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Ask others to pray for you when you need God’s help, and I promise you He will provide the best response possible when you earnestly seek after Him. God bless!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

 But Jesus said, “Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me.” Luke 8:46


If you keep up with technology, you know its made advances by leaps and bounds. One of the most fascinating features on a cell phone is the use of a scanner which reads you finger print as access to unlock your phone. One touch opens all the benefits your phone has to offer.


Today’s scripture is a part of a story about a woman having a flow of blood for twelve years and spent all her money paying doctors to help heal her with no healing. This poor woman didn’t know Jesus, but she heard about His healing power and thought if only she could touch His garment, she’d be healed. As we read in Luke 8:43-48 she was healed and Jesus said to her “Daughter, be of good cheer, your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”


Is there something in your life that you need Jesus to heal, bring resolution or simply intervene into a situation that you have no control? Having faith that He can do anything and releasing that into His care is necessary to receive His touch. I encourage you to release your burdens to Him today and watch His hand work as He answers your request for help. God bless!


Monday, March 8, 2021

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17


Welcome to Monday friends. It’s a start of a new week. For some it’s a dread to return to the work week, for others its just another day. Either way, I challenge you to consider this Monday as a new day to start fresh not only in your personal life, but spiritual as well.


As a child of God, you have been gifted with God’s Holy Spirit. He leads you through the day’s events through convictions, providing wisdom and strength to continue your journey. There is nothing you will experience that God hasn’t first sifted through His hands and is ready to equip you for the challenge.


The real question is this, have you tapped into the Spirit that lives inside you? Pray and ask God to make His presence known and then keep your eyes open to see His hand at work, be attentive to that inner voice that offers wisdom, avoid any opportunity to sin and most of all communicate with Him throughout the day. I can assure you, God will lead you down a path of righteousness and blessings if you keep your focus on Him.


Start your new week in tune with the Lord and see what God will do in your life on this Monday and remainder of the week. God bless!

Sunday, March 7, 2021

 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.      John 15:5


Spring in the south is coming quickly. We have already begun to see trees and shrubs blooming and early spring flowers put up from the ground. This time of the year you can observe your trees and look for branches that don’t have buds on them, those you know have died and are no longer needed for the health of the tree. Its best to cut and remove them so the tree doesn’t waste any time trying to send nutrients to a dead limb.


Jesus’ illustration in today’s verse is very similar to plant pruning. His children must stay connected to Him in their every day life by reading and heading scripture, walking away from sin, talking to the Lord through prayer throughout the day and most of all serving Him through actions His Holy Spirit prompts within you. By doing these things, you abide in the vine and God will continually provide you the spiritual nourishment you need to generate Godly fruit in your life and the life of others. You can do nothing as long as you stay disconnected from Him.


What is the benefit of staying connected to the Lord? “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.” God blesses obedience and He will bless you when you remain rooted in the word of God and live for Him on a daily basis.


Take time today and examine your life to see if there are any areas of your life that aren’t rooted in God’s vine and cut them out now so you can continue to grow in your walk with the Lord. “By this My father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” John 15:8  Friend, go and bear much fruit! God bless!

Saturday, March 6, 2021

 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13


The other day I was riding around the lake, when I saw two fishermen along the shoreline on the opposite side of the cove. Immediately my thoughts went to the story of Jesus walking on the water, Matthew 14:22-33, and I thought to myself its impossible. But it wasn’t impossible for Jesus!


As we read the story, we see that Peter wanted to walk on the water as well, Jesus instructed him to come.  Peter did fine on his first step, but then took his eyes of Jesus and began to measure the waves around him and he lost faith in his ability to walk on top of the water. Thankfully, Jesus saved him and they both went back to the boat with a story to tell others.


Mmmmm, how often do we measure the waves of adversity around us and lose faith in our ability to walk above our circumstances? My hand is raised, actually both hands. Yet, time after time after time, with each storm, I can look back now and see that God provided the foundation for me to take each step of faith to deliver me through each circumstance. What seems impossible to me, is possible with Jesus. All He asks is you keep the faith, keep trusting Him in all areas of your life and soon, you too will see, that these impossible waves of adversity are actually stepping stones to a higher and stronger faith in Him.


Whatever you are facing today, trust Jesus. He can make the impossible, possible through your faith and trust in Him. God bless!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10


Years ago, one early Spring, I decided to cut my grass for the first time. Got out my mower and tried to start it with no luck. Something told me to remove the old gas and put new in the tank. It didn’t take too many tries after that and I was off cutting grass.


A thought occurred to me this week, thinking back to that story. How often do we try to start our day with the yesterday’s fuel? Let me explain, God blesses His children on a daily basis by providing for their needs, weather its wisdom, guidance or strength. Today is a new day and trying to run on yesterday’s resources won’t get you too far. You need a fresh start, each and every day. And trust me friend, God will provide that for you when you earnestly seek after Him.


God dispenses out just enough blessings and resources to keep you dependent upon Him, so your blessings don’t become stagnant and create a sense of pride and self reliance. You need a fresh focus every day. I encourage you to empty yourself every morning of yesterday’s fuel and seek after God with a clean heart, ready to receive His special blessings and resources for the challenges of the day. God bless!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. John 5:24


One thing is certain in life, we all will die. I just lost my mom a few weeks ago and it was a painful experience to see her pass. But, one thing I had in my heart, was the confidence in knowing that she passed from this life to a life eternal with the Lord. Just knowing that brought much peace to my heart amongst the sadness of her death.


Thinking about the end of life can bring about fear, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Jesus said it himself, if you believe in Me, you shall not come into judgement, but pass from death into life. We are all sinners, separated from God. But God, provided a bridge between you and Him through the life and death of Jesus Christ, His Son. Believing that Jesus died for your sins, trusting Him to save you and living your faith for the Lord will give you the confidence in life after your existence upon earth.


If you have not done so, put your faith and trust in the Lord today. Read the following verses below to understand the simple acceptance of the Jesus into your life and live for Him daily.  God bless!



Tuesday, March 2, 2021

 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9


While at work yesterday, I saw one of my staff trying to pick up a large, heavy box. Immediately I stepped up and offered assistance to help carry it. As soon as we lifted it together, the box seemed ever so light and we began to carry it. I soon realized it wasn’t too heavy for me, so I offered to carry it the rest of the way by myself. I was able to get it to its intended destination without being dropped and did not strain along the way.


This moment in time reminded me of today’s passage. How true for the child of God, when we encounter something that is a heavy burden in our life, Jesus steps in to help us carry the load, and oftentimes will take it completely upon Himself as we stay close by in prayer and devotion to Him. There is NO shame in telling Jesus I can’t do this on my own, I need your help. He will come to your aid every time.


What heavy burden are you facing today? Take it to the Lord in prayer and have faith that He will respond. He already knows your need, He just needs you to open the door to His helping hand. Perfect your weakness by His strength today! God bless!