Monday, March 8, 2021

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17


Welcome to Monday friends. It’s a start of a new week. For some it’s a dread to return to the work week, for others its just another day. Either way, I challenge you to consider this Monday as a new day to start fresh not only in your personal life, but spiritual as well.


As a child of God, you have been gifted with God’s Holy Spirit. He leads you through the day’s events through convictions, providing wisdom and strength to continue your journey. There is nothing you will experience that God hasn’t first sifted through His hands and is ready to equip you for the challenge.


The real question is this, have you tapped into the Spirit that lives inside you? Pray and ask God to make His presence known and then keep your eyes open to see His hand at work, be attentive to that inner voice that offers wisdom, avoid any opportunity to sin and most of all communicate with Him throughout the day. I can assure you, God will lead you down a path of righteousness and blessings if you keep your focus on Him.


Start your new week in tune with the Lord and see what God will do in your life on this Monday and remainder of the week. God bless!

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