Saturday, March 20, 2021

 The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:17b


Growing up in a Christian home helped shape me into the person I am today. Far from perfect, yet I have a set of beliefs that are the foundation of how I try to live my life on a daily basis. I need to give much credit to those who have prayed for me over the years, specifically my grandmother, Nedra Baldridge.


Grandma E, as I called her, was a very spiritual woman, who was devoted to studying God’s word on a daily basis and prayed like no other person I have ever known. We always use to say Grandma had a “hotline” to Heaven. Whenever we were in need, we requested she pray for us, and she faithfully did…which oftentimes resulted in a specific response from God. Her prayers were powerful and God listened when she called for His help.


So where am I going with today’s blog? I want to encourage you, when you find yourself in need of God’s help, pray, and ask others to pray on your behalf. Not just anyone, seek out those who you know will actually pray and have a commitment to continue in prayer. I’ve lived 55 years and I can tell you prayer changes things, it changes people’s behavior, it orchestrates actions and plans to align with God’s will.


As a child of God, He has your best interest at heart. I know this because He provides us His Holy Spirit. Even His Holy Spirit prays on our behalf. Romans 8:26  When we seek His help, He is going to listen and respond. Having the prayer support of other believers covers you with more of God’s blessings and He will provide a purposeful response to your request. I can’t tell you how many times I have actually seen His response perfectly align with my request, it is almost scary at times. So, be careful what you ask of God.


The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Ask others to pray for you when you need God’s help, and I promise you He will provide the best response possible when you earnestly seek after Him. God bless!

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