Sunday, March 28, 2021

 Now when Jesus had com into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with a fever. So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them. Matthew 8:14-15


Yesterday Lori an I had the privilege of working with our brothers and sisters in Christ by serving up bbq plates and witnessing to those who came up to receive the free food. I can tell you God provided perfect weather and a good crowd of people who stopped by and received the message of Salvation.


I asked one young lady if she died today, would she be Heaven bound. Without hesitation she responded “yes”. I asked why she knew this to be true. She told me months ago she was in a horrible car wreck and actually died several times while they worked on her. When she awoke, she was told by doctors that she’d never walk again. During this difficult time, she said that she encountered Jesus, face to face, and He completely healed her. Through all of this she put her faith and trust in the Lord. Before she left, I prayed with her. As I prayed, God spoke to me, through my prayer, to encourage her to share her remarkable story of healing and the awesome encounter with Jesus.


God sometimes allows the most horrific situations to come into our life to put us in a place to serve Him. As with this young lady, she had a powerful story to tell about Her Savior’s healing hand and assurance that upon death, she would stand in the presence of the Lord. Amen!


What has God done in your life to bring healing to you or bring you through a difficult situation? You have a story to share with others. God wants to use you to bring others to Himself. You can help in that ministry through sharing your own personal experiences. It’s that easy. Go and share the good news of what Jesus has done in your life and see others come to Christ because of His plan and purpose in your life! God bless!

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