Thursday, March 4, 2021

 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10


Years ago, one early Spring, I decided to cut my grass for the first time. Got out my mower and tried to start it with no luck. Something told me to remove the old gas and put new in the tank. It didn’t take too many tries after that and I was off cutting grass.


A thought occurred to me this week, thinking back to that story. How often do we try to start our day with the yesterday’s fuel? Let me explain, God blesses His children on a daily basis by providing for their needs, weather its wisdom, guidance or strength. Today is a new day and trying to run on yesterday’s resources won’t get you too far. You need a fresh start, each and every day. And trust me friend, God will provide that for you when you earnestly seek after Him.


God dispenses out just enough blessings and resources to keep you dependent upon Him, so your blessings don’t become stagnant and create a sense of pride and self reliance. You need a fresh focus every day. I encourage you to empty yourself every morning of yesterday’s fuel and seek after God with a clean heart, ready to receive His special blessings and resources for the challenges of the day. God bless!

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