Saturday, March 6, 2021

 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13


The other day I was riding around the lake, when I saw two fishermen along the shoreline on the opposite side of the cove. Immediately my thoughts went to the story of Jesus walking on the water, Matthew 14:22-33, and I thought to myself its impossible. But it wasn’t impossible for Jesus!


As we read the story, we see that Peter wanted to walk on the water as well, Jesus instructed him to come.  Peter did fine on his first step, but then took his eyes of Jesus and began to measure the waves around him and he lost faith in his ability to walk on top of the water. Thankfully, Jesus saved him and they both went back to the boat with a story to tell others.


Mmmmm, how often do we measure the waves of adversity around us and lose faith in our ability to walk above our circumstances? My hand is raised, actually both hands. Yet, time after time after time, with each storm, I can look back now and see that God provided the foundation for me to take each step of faith to deliver me through each circumstance. What seems impossible to me, is possible with Jesus. All He asks is you keep the faith, keep trusting Him in all areas of your life and soon, you too will see, that these impossible waves of adversity are actually stepping stones to a higher and stronger faith in Him.


Whatever you are facing today, trust Jesus. He can make the impossible, possible through your faith and trust in Him. God bless!

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