Thursday, July 8, 2021

 But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Luke 18:27


Have you ever found a task ahead of you that seemed impossible to accomplish? Maybe its starting a new business, a task at work, a home improvement project or simply witnessing to someone God has brought into your life. As a human, your confidence and strength only goes so far and sadly many people give up on God’s mission for their life because they couldn’t do it alone.


Friend, God never intended for you to go at life alone. Today’s verse is a great reminder that God can do all things when you turn your weakness and lack of wisdom over to Him. He fills the voids you can’t fill and works out the little details that actually bring blessings to your life. If God has put the task before you, then He will supply all of your needs.


What task is ahead of you? Give it to God and let Him carry the load and give you strength to accomplish something greater than you could ever imagine! God bless!

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