Wednesday, July 7, 2021

 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. 1 Timothy 6:7-8


How content are you in this life? Being “content” to me is feeling comfortable with life and feeling satisfied. As you are aware, we live in a society that bombards us with marketing strategies that stir up a hunger for more. The newest phone, the more advanced vehicle, the newest fashions. The list is endless and yes, even I, get caught up in the lure for more stuff.


As a Christian, you need to shield yourself from this marketing scheme as it will only draw you in deeper and deeper, until you loose sight of your purpose in life and loose touch with reality. Quite frankly, if you have food to eat, clothing, a job and a roof over your heard, that’s enough. Consider these things to be true blessings from God, because there are so many who do without these necessities every day.  


Your desire should be to give much thanks to God for His blessings and manage the resources He’s provided you to the best of your ability. Unless you put Him first, He will remove these hindrances to your faith and you’ll be left with nothing but yourself and God. Don’t let your blessings slip away, be content with your life and what’s in it. God bless!

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