Saturday, July 3, 2021

 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalms 119:105


Last weekend we had a Triathlon event at my work. When I arrived at my work station, I realized no one was helping cars get parked in an orderly fashion in this large grassy field. So, I stepped in and started directing incoming cars to specific spots to park, so to maximize space. By using a flashlight, I was able to get the driver’s attention and provide him direction across the entry point to my location. Without that light, the driver would not have seen which way to go and parking would have been a disaster.


Life can be like this, we come into something with no clear direction and don’t know which way to go, much less what to do. Things like coming into a large sum of money, finding a new job, direction in helping a family member who is struggling, working through a bump in a relationship, overcoming an addiction….the list of life’s situations is endless, no doubt. Through the years of life, I have frequently sought after God’s wisdom in the bible when facing something I had no idea which way to go. Sometimes He provided the answer immediately, sometimes He made me search and dig for the answer. But each time I learned something and grew in my relationship with the Lord.


You might be thinking God doesn’t care about what you are going through or has no interest in helping guide you through a difficult decision. Friend, that couldn’t be any further from the truth. God created you in His image and He loved you enough to pardon your sins through His Son, Jesus Christ. If you are a Christian, He is invested in YOU and cares about your life. Go to Him in prayer and open your heart and mind to His scriptures. Trust what you read to be true and remain obedient in following His instructions. You’ll NEVER go wrong when you trust and obey His voice of instruction and wisdom. God bless!

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