Friday, July 9, 2021

 I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be shaken. Psalm 16:8


My motorcycle has a special feature to improve traction control when I encounter wet roads from rain, or worse yet, icy conditions. The other day I was riding home and encountered a spot of heavy rain, so I hit the traction control button, a blue light illuminated on the screen, giving me confidence for the ride in what could be slippery conditions. I made it safely home and thankful for rain gear!


As Christians, we encounter things in life that can be a slippery mess. We too have a traction control button called God. All we have to do is pray and seek after His guiding hand and still small voice, as He guides us through the storms we encounter. Confidence in the Lord comes slowly, but surely with every successful journey. It’s important to recall those times when God kept you secure in your walk so you’ll have confidence in Him for the next storm.


Before you get in slippery conditions, pray and ask God to help keep you remain secure through the next life storm. He’ll do it and bless you along the way. Safe travels friend!  

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