Thursday, July 1, 2021

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6


Earlier this week I had 2 days off from work, because I’m working this upcoming holiday weekend. So, of course, I planned to ride my motorcycle on this new road I wanted to explore. According to the map, the road changed names several times as it lead me to my final destination, Hooligan Harley Davidson in Oxford, Al.


Just to make sure I was on track, I had my GPS Navigation turned on so I could see the roads ahead. The trip started out wonderfully, many country scenes, open space and fresh air. I thought to myself, “you see more on the backroads.” As I crossed over into Alabama, the road began to narrow and the surface was worn and I actually wondered if I was headed in the right direction. As I slowed down to accommodate for the bumpy ride, I glanced down at my GPS and sure enough, I was on the designated road for this trip. Although I had no idea where I was, my GPS kept me confident as I journeyed along and resumed my enjoyment of backroad riding.


As a Christian, I can tell you God has sent me down paths I was unsure of and questioned if the route was in His plans for my life. In times of doubt, I always prayed and sought after His wisdom and will for my life’s journey. Each time He would open a new stretch of road and allowed me to pass through safely. Yes, I might have encountered some emotional bruising and had my heart messed up a time or two, but all those experiences developed in me confidence to trust God when I found myself in uncertain territories.


Friend, God will do the same for you. Maybe you are facing some challenging days ahead. Put your faith and trust in Him and He will guide you down a path that will grow you spiritually and develop more wisdom for the future, so you’ll be able to get through more challenging travels. Trust God today with your heart and know that His way is best when you lean on Him. God bless!

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