Tuesday, June 20, 2023

 1 Timothy 6:11 But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness.

One of my hobbies in retirement is watching wildlife. As a result of feeding 7 squirrels, deer have come out of the woods to treat on the corn I put out, so now I am blessed to watch them. One thing I've noticed with deer, they are extremely cautious and position their feet to flee at the moment they sense anything out of the ordinary. They are not bothered by the squirrels and birds scurrying around, but anything outside of their normal environment and they run. 

As Christians, we too should always be on guard, ready to flee when we sense a temptation to deviate from God's standards. Things like a simple conversation that turns to gossip, a TV show that shows signs of worldly values, something tempting that catches your eye to lust or indulge in greed, all of these and more should signal danger and should result in you quickly removing yourself from the indulgence before you get sucked in. 

All of us, including myself have fallen prey to the temptations of evil. Thankfully God has provided His Holy Spirit as a source of power and strength to overcome and find victory on the battlefield of spiritual warfare. Ask God to help you live the cautious life, just like a deer, and be ready to flee when evil becomes present in your life. God bless. 

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