Monday, June 12, 2023

 Psalms 33:9  For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.

As a child, my mother and father instructed me on how to behave and navigate life. Whenever I was brave enough to ask "why", their response was typically "because I said so". With that I could always count on them to back up their words. Knowing that, gave me a parameter of behavior to live within, and the consequences of doing the opposite would come with some form of punishment. 

Today's short verse reminded me of my parents words. God loves us enough to give us His written word. Nothing added or taken away from it will bring blessings into your life. His word stands true today, just as it did over 2000 years ago when He penned it through the writers of the bible on God's behalf. 

Friend. Life has many challenges and trying to navigate those and sustain joy in the middle of it all can ONLY be accomplished through Godly wisdom. Trust God's word to carry you through each day of your life. You can know and have the confidence that God's word never changes, nor does His love for you. Blessings. 

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