Tuesday, June 27, 2023

 Job 29:24 I smiled on them when they did not believe, And the light of my face they did not cast down.

Over this past weekend I spent time with my oldest son and his precious family. His son, Woodford, who is 1 years old, is interacting with others. One of his favorite things is smiling. When he is happy or sees someone smiling, he smiles. And when that happens, joy fills my heart and the hearts of those watching him.

Smiling is a universal language, understood by all races of people. It changes the atmosphere and most of all brings momentary joy to those on the receiving end of a smile. 

I encourage you to make an effort to smile more in your every day life. When you smile at people, they normally will smile back, which will fill your heart with a good feeling, which is much appreciated in this day and time. Change your world through the universal language of smiling, your heart will be glad you did. 

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