Wednesday, August 30, 2023

 “For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Matthew 26:28

 Being a home owner, I’ve become more knowledgeable about concrete. It serves as the foundation for my home, and provides a nice smooth driveway and front porch. But one common thing with concrete, no matter how hard it may be, somewhere there will form a crack over time.

 When you look at your life, do you see areas where there is hardness? Maybe a secret sin that no one is aware of, maybe there are wrong doings in your past that have remained hidden from others over the years, or maybe you are simply selfish to continue in a sinful pleasure. All of these and more need the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. But deep down the guilt you feel or your stubbornness is hard as concrete and you feel that the blood of Christ couldn’t reach what’s held in secret.

 I’ve got good news friend! Just like concrete, there are cracks in that hardness and if you are willing to surrender your offenses, Jesus is more than willing to forgive and heal that which holds you back from the purest relationship with Him. His blood covers every single sin of mankind, including yours. All throughout the bible, God turned around the lives of some of the most vile and evil people who eventually went on to serve Him and authored books in the bible.

 Nothing you’ve done or have hidden is exempt from His forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ. Surrender your heart to Him today and be washed clean so you can live for Him. God bless!

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