Monday, August 14, 2023

 Jesus said to her, “Be of good cheer, daughter, your faith has made you well.” Matthew 9:22

 When praying for someone to get well, do you pray for the doctors that they will have wisdom, or do you go directly to the source, God, asking Him to heal that person of their illness? Truthfully, in my opinion, there is no wrong answer here. God gifted those doctors with the wisdom and ability to help people get well, so praying for them to have wisdom is an excellent decision. But what is really necessary to motivate God to heal the person you pray for?

 Today’s passage comes from a brief story about a woman who bled for 12 years. Not one doctor could heal her. She heard about this Jesus and His healing power and thought to herself if only she could touch His garment, she’d be healed (Matthew 9:20-22). With all the courage she had, she pushed her way through the crowds in His direction, briefly touched His garment, and immediately was healed. Jesus felt the power leave His body and sought the person who touched Him. Her faith in the power of Jesus Christ healed her.

 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive it, if you have faith. Mathew 21:22

 Faith is the foundation of your relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Without faith, you have nothing. By faith, you can ask God, and believe He will come through, and it will be done for you. How much faith do you have when asking God for His healing touch? If your requests are going nowhere, maybe you need to ask God to grow your faith to better trust in Him. Doubting what God can do will cancel your request. Let your heart, mind, and soul ask in faith and it will be done! God bless!


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