Wednesday, August 23, 2023

 John 16:13. But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.

The past few days I was blessed to spend time with my grandson, who's 1 and a few months. Since he can walk/run, he moves all over the house. As I followed him, I would steer him away from things that could hurt him, telling him no at times, and watch him continue onto the next thing that sparked his interest. Then I had a thought….

As a child of God, you are blessed to have God's Holy Spirit reside in you. As you go through each day, exploring new things and living life, The Spirit quietly whispers a voice of caution when headed towards sin or something/someone who can bring harm into your life. Can you hear Him? Are you even listening? 

Jesus Christ paid your debt of sin on Calvary's cross, and blessed you with all the benefits of His wisdom, power, and strength through His Spirit. God gives you "free will" to choose who you'll follow, Jesus or the Devil. There is no middle ground with God, you are either on His side or living for the Devil. 

The choice is yours. If you truly want to live a God honoring life, listen and heed the Spirit's promptings. When you follow in obedience, you can leave the consequences to God to take care of you and most of all receive His blessings in your life. He cares for your well-being; listen, heed, and follow Him. 

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