Thursday, January 25, 2024

 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when his gory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 1 Peter 4:12-13

 Have you ever encountered a time in your life when it seemed everything was unraveling and you had no clue what was happening? There were several occasions where I experienced this very feeling, and it was humbling, scary, and made me cry out to God, “where are you?”. And the times that this unraveling occurred, I thought I was doing things right, living by the standards of God. Can you relate?

 As a child of God, you have a target on your back and Satan has the weapons formed against you. Satan does his best to try to wreck the lives of God’s children. But, God has a plan greater than your distress and He can take the lose threads and pattern something even greater. It takes a lot of faith to trust God when everything inside you wants to question God’s faithfulness. But, looking back, I can assure you that nothing loosened is without His purpose and plan to turn a new chapter in your life.

 Whatever you are going through right now friend, may in fact be ordered by God. Although you had nothing to do with the unthreading of your pattern of life you’ve grown used to, God wants to change that pattern to grow a stronger you, a more trusting you and walk in stricter obedience and faith as He rethreads that part of your life that appears amiss. In the end, His glory will be revealed and your faith will be strengthened in the One who weaves the beautiful patterns of your life with His perfect will. God bless!

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