Sunday, January 21, 2024

 Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14

 One of God’s desires is that others will see Jesus Christ living in His children by the way they interact with others, especially those outside the faith. Today’s verse presents a challenge for everyone to live in peace with all people. Jesus Christ gave us the perfect example of this verse by showing love towards others, providing grace, mercy and forgiveness towards those who needed it, and most of all He showed compassion.

 If you think about it, that’s truly a tall order, especially these days when everyone is living for themselves and have very little concern for you. I witnessed this while on the cruise ship, people going here and there, I had to frequently yield to their forward movement, otherwise I’d get run over. And sadly, it’s that way, everywhere. One of the quickest responses is anger, revenge, and even close off all communication with that person or group of people. By doing so, you also close the widow view of Jesus Christ’s character living through you!

 If you truly love God, you will find it in your heart to keep the view of Christ shining through your life by providing grace, mercy, and forgiveness to those who need it. By doing so, you continue to shine your light into this dark world; a world that needs to see the light out of their darkness. Keep yourself open and available to everyone by living in peace and holiness. God bless!

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