Tuesday, January 16, 2024

 ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭32:8‬ I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.

Between 300 - 900 miles overhead satellites orbit the earth, relaying radio and TV broadcast around the globe. Another important function of these orbital machines is views of earth, detailed views of the topography, roads, forests, and weather systems that help us prepare for tomorrow and even weeks and months into the future. Without these satellites, we'd see no further past today. 

Thankfully for the child of God, we have available to us God's eye who sees into our future, even at the moment of our death and every minute in-between. It would be nice to know what our future holds, but God wants us to trust Him in this moment. For you see, each moment is preparing you for all your tomorrows. If you knew what you'd be doing a year from now, you'd make choices that might misdirect your path to that point in time, totally missing God's blessings of today. 

Concerned about your future? Live in this moment by trusting God's plan. He's preparing you for your lifelong journey on earth, all the way into eternity. God bless. 

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