Wednesday, July 31, 2024

 Mark 4:23 “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Have you ever known someone who lived near train tracks? First time you were there, the loud roar of the train made you ask how they had any peaceful sleep. The majority will tell you they never hear the train any longer when it passes by. 

The same can be said of a lot of God's followers who've lived the Christian life for years. They attend church on a regular basis, pray often, even read their Bible, yet time has numbed their heart to the voice of God. Maybe this fits the description of your life. Friend, you are missing out on a lot of good, Godly wisdom when you no longer hear Him. 

I John 2:15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

This world and our busy lives can easily drown out the still quiet voice of God. It's important for His children not to be caught up in the world’s affairs (those things and people that distract you from the truth of God). God expects us to live in this world, but not be a part of it. It's a balancing act that requires you to learn how to separate yourself, to be “set apart”.

If His voice isn't heard, it's time to reset your relationship with God. Ask Him to reveal the noise makers that compete with His voice, let go or remove them, and help you to focus on what's truly important in this life, your personal relationship with Him. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

 Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37

 Have you ever been in a position that the expectation was for you to love a certain person in your life? Maybe it was a step-parent, a pre-arranged relationship, your pastor, even God Himself. Love develops over time, it truly is not instantaneous, despite what some might think. The first stage of loving someone is getting to know them, not just their name and surface level information, it goes much deeper, like what are their likes, dislikes, what moves them to do something, and how committed are they to their obligations? In this search for understanding, you get a better picture of their moral fabric and through this process you begin to connect with them.

 Jesus said one of the most important things a person can do is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. I used to think this was a tall order given God isn’t’ here, in the physical sense, to ask questions and see His responses. Over time, as my relationship with Him grew, I began to see His hand working in my life and the lives of others, witnessed His continual commitment to help His children in times of crises, and by reading His word (bible) I began to see the character of God lived out through His Son Jesus Christ. All of these things, and more, have helped paint a true picture of who God is and what He desires for me.

 Maybe you struggle with loving God on the level He expects. That’s ok, it takes time to learn God and see the results of His workings in your life. I know it sounds like a broken record, but reading the bible truly brings everything into perspective about the moral fiber of God. Have you made time to actually read and study God’s word? If not, I encourage you to pick it up and read small portions daily. As you do so, your desire will be to read the next page and pretty soon you’ve read through an entire book.

 Just like any relationship, love grows over time when you invest yourself in getting to know them better. Loving God to the level He desires will take some time, but with a willing heart, you too will find the beauty of God’s love for you, which will spur you to know Him more through prayer, reading, and seeing Him in action. God bless!



Sunday, July 28, 2024

 Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5

 Do you struggle with a certain sin? Maybe it’s: gossip, lying, stealing, pornography, drugs/alcohol, swearing, thinking bad thoughts…man the list is endless. From the very moment God created man and woman, Satan was right there ready to destroy His creation through acts of disobedience. Satan is cunning and smooth talking, he knows every person’s weakness, and he used these simple tactics on Eve, who he convinced to do the very thing God said NO.

 We all struggle with certain sins. No one is immune from the deceptive tactics of Satan. What’s your poison? Let me share something that truly came to light to me this morning. As I stated, and we all know this, Satan is always attacking Christians. If he can get you to pursue your weakest sin, he will use it to bring guilt, shame, and a feeling that God’s love and forgiveness has been removed. These are the lies Satan uses on a daily basis. So how do we overcome these tactics?

 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

 You might be the strongest person on the planet and have the willpower to overcome anything, except the smooth lure of Satan’s lies. You need God’s help to give you strength to fight off temptation and escape from the nets Satan sets up for you on a daily basis. It’s so important to stay prayed up throughout the day and being aware of your surroundings. If you sense temptation in the making, it’s time to pray. Example….say you lust over women. You are driving and go by a gas station and see a scantly dressed woman pumping gas, your mind kicks into overdrive and the temptation to look again and have lustful thoughts overwhelms you like a thunderstorm out of nowhere. You’ve got to know Satan probably arranged that setting just to trip you up. “God help me to keep my blinders on when I leave the house.” “God, I know there will be temptation to gossip when I’m around these people, help me to withstand the temptation or withdraw from them when the ugly conversation gets started.” “God, I’m feeling the pressure to drink or take drugs, to alleviate the pain and sadness I’m experiencing right now, heal my heart and keep me faithful to trust you in this moment of feeling overwhelmed.” “God create in me a heart of compassion and love for those I disagree with and show them the grace and mercy you’ve shown me.” The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much! James 5:16

 God’s listening and quite able to help you overcome the crafty lies Satan is speaking to you, especially at your weakest moment. Trust God to help you!

 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13




Friday, July 26, 2024

 “And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him”. John 8:29

 Unless you were a rebellious child growing up, you most likely did what your parents expected of you. By doing the right things, brought pleasure to them, and kept you from the pain of discipline. The reward that parents offer for doing right is encouraging, and for most, motivates them to continue down a path of right living.

 John 8:29 captures Jesus’ words that He always did what pleased His Father in Heaven. His life had a purpose, to save mankind from their sins, which meant Jesus had to live a sinless life. For you and me, that would be a miracle, but for Jesus, it was just a walk in the park. By keeping His thoughts towards the Father’s plans, He was able to fulfill the great commission and today we can live an abundant, spirit filled life, knowing our sins are forgiven.

 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life. John 8:12

 If you are truly a child of God, you too will have the desire to please Him in all areas of your life. He gives you the “free will” to choose who you’ll follow, Him or the world (Satan). Choosing to live out God's will for your life pleases the Father and the reward will be great on the day of judgment. Let your goal be to hear these words as you enter the gates of Heaven, “Well done my good and faithful servant”. God bless!


Thursday, July 25, 2024

 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7

 This morning, the Apostle Paul came to mind. Of his 66 years of life, the last 35 were spent in ministry, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to both Jews and Gentiles. He took 5 evangelic journeys to spread the gospel in 50 plus cities, trained up other evangelist and preachers, and wrote 14 books in the bible. But his life wasn’t always easy. During his journeys he was shipwrecked, beaten on multiple occasions, survived a stoning, and spent the last 5 years of his life in a prison for preaching the gospel, only to be executed.

 But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear.  2 Timothy 4:17

 Looking back over my 30 plus year career as a park ranger and supervisor, I recall many times when I endured difficult moments: dealing with angry visitors, pulling drowning victims from the lake, handling employee issues, and just the stress of a busy career that often kept me up at night. What kept me going? Jesus Christ! Just like Paul, we both looked to Jesus for strength as we faced the trials and tribulations, fulfilling our purpose in life.  Of course, Paul endured so much more than I ever did, but each one of us (you included), undergoes certain pressures that strengthen our faith so we can continue our purpose, no matter what challenges we face.

 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. 2 Timothy 4:8

 As I enjoy the blessings of retirement, I think of Paul’s retirement (reward) is in Heaven, and he is certainly rejoicing on the streets of gold, in the presence of God! That Day is also held on God’s calendar for me and you. Whatever you face in this life, put your trust in Jesus Christ for strength to navigate the turbulent times, and never give up! Your reward will be worth all the pain and struggles you endured over your lifetime! God bless!



Wednesday, July 24, 2024

 Abstain from every form of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22

 Typically, in many situations, there is a right way and a wrong way of doing things. The decision is left up to you to chose how you’ll proceed. Both have consequences, good and bad, but the truth is you have to live with each decision you make. Sometimes those decisions affect you for your entire lifetime.

 Today’s scripture gives us some pretty good advice, abstain from every form of evil. What is evil? Anything that is opposite of God’s expectations of you and the moral laws set forth under His authorship. Lying, cheating, committing sexual acts outside marriage, drunkenness, the list is endless. Doesn’t God want you to have a fulfilling life? YES! But His standards of living are to benefit you over the long term, from the here and now and into eternity. But there is a certain form of evil that you might not have considered.

 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is a sin. James 4:17

 As a child of God, you are gifted with His Holy Spirit. The Spirit communicates with you daily; helping you with your journey through this life, guiding you in the will of God, convicting you of sin, and instructing you on what to do. A good example of this: you notice a homeless person on the street corner begging for money and you sense a strong desire to give that $20 bill that’s in your wallet, but you refuse. This could be considered a sin. I can tell you personally that God has put a thought into my mind to do something, and when I followed through, blessings followed. When I rejected the thought, I usually endured some consequence for my choice to reject His instruction. That thought to reject God’s instruction is most likely coming from Satan, speaking lies to you. Satan did that very thing to Eve and Adam, and they brought sin into God’s creation, and we are still suffering today as a result of their disobedience.

 Not everything in life has the appearance of evil. It’s best to always stay prayed up and when you hear the voice of God speaking to you, make the choice to follow in obedience. God will bless you for pursuing the good things He offers in this life and into eternity. God bless!


Sunday, July 21, 2024

 Genesis 6:12 So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. 

A child sprays ketchup all over the kitchen, a teenager hosts a wild party while his parents are out of town, and a married man on a business trip slips out of his room at night to intermingle with women who socialize at the bar. 

Disobedience, called sin, isn't new to anyone. From the beginning of time with Adam and Eve, mankind possesses this lust for sinful behavior, satisfying their internal need for gratification of some sorts or acts out as a form of rebellion. When we carry out these acts of sin, we unplug from the ones who love us the most, especially God. Yeah, those closest to you might not know your secrets, but God sees everything and this behavior removes you from his rays of blessings. 

Not only do you lose out on God's blessings, but Satan uses your disobedience to generate guilt, which makes it appear the door to God's forgiveness has been locked shut. Why put yourself in a situation like this? 

Friend, maybe you are guilty of a lot of sins (true for everyone), don't lose hope in God's ability to forgive when you acknowledge your wrongdoings and come to Him in complete repentance. He loves you so much He put the shame and guilt of sin upon His Son, Jesus Christ. Nothing can undo that love. Come to Him today for spiritual cleansing and healing. Blessings.

Friday, July 19, 2024

 James 1:4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 

My wife and I are visiting my oldest son, his wife, and two year old this weekend. Today we had the opportunity to watch my grandson all day while his parents were working. It's been a great day, soaking up every minute with him. It's been more relaxing because I'm not in my home environment with all the responsibilities and busy things I have to do. For someone whose type “A” like me, it was a day of patience, which is something I struggle with. Lol. 

Today's passage came to mind as I found myself totally immersed in the time spent with him. I had nowhere to be but in the moment. He had all my attention, and it was nice. 

Patience is a rare commodity these days. We all live busy lives with our to do lists, obligations, and slave to time. If only we lived our lives with patience, we’d be more in the moment, giving others our devout attention and more than likely making special memories. 

We all could use more patience. I encourage you to not let time rob you of the special moments of life. Ask God to give you patience so you too can make the most life has to offer. God bless. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 John 15:13  Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. 

Ever since last Saturday’s assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, today's verse has played over and over in my mind. In no way am I glorifying Trump, comparing him to Jesus, or taking away the meaning of this verse. But you've got to ask yourself, why would one of the wealthiest men in America give up the opportunity to relax and enjoy the fruits of his prosperous career to run again for a political position that has challenged every fiber of his being, even putting his life in jeopardy? If I were Trump, I'd be chilling by the pool and enjoying my family. 

Well, that's not the character of Trump, and that lavish lifestyle wasn't earned by sitting around and watching the world pass by. He engaged his God given talents and abilities to lead, rising to the top. Very few people in this world are capable of withstanding the attacks this man has endured and still continued to stand tall in the face of adversity and his opponents. This is the kind of leader we need running this country. 

You might not agree with all of his views, and that's ok. No one who's ever been president, or any leader, is capable of pleasing everyone. But his willingness to put his life on the line, to make for a better, stronger, and safer America, all under the umbrella of God's blessings, makes sense.

The choice is yours, but I support the one who already has shown us he is willing to take a bullet because he loves people and desires to make America Great Again. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Jeremiah 24:7 Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.

If God had one wish, it would be for His creation, you and me, to know Him on an intimate level. He provided a very simple process for that to occur through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus took on the sins of mankind and gave His life, as payment, for our sins, so we could come clean before His holiness. Without the sacrifice of Jesus, and the acceptance of Him in every human beings life, we would still be condemned to eternal Hell. Thankfully we have a choice in the matter. 

How can you know more about God? By reading His word in the Bible. God’s word was written over 2,000 years ago, yet still remain a source of wisdom and discernment for those faithful followers who want to know more about God in this present age. God gives us the desires of our heart when we have the motivation to know Him on a level greater that most earthly relationships. It's true, and you can gain the same wisdom as the most devout follower by having faith in scripture and keeping an open mind to the Holy Spirit, which He uses to communicate with us today.  

God isn't some far off being that can't be understood. He can literally take up space in your heart and provide you an intimate understanding of His love, grace, mercy, and blessings only He can give you. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

 He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22

 Yesterday at church I had a middle-aged couple sitting in front of me, whom I haven’t ever seen before. During the service the lady would sit right up next to her man, often putting her head on his shoulder and occasionally they would share smiling glances at each other. When I got home, I shared this experience with my wife, stating there was this couple who either just started dating or got married right before walking into the church doors. LOL. My wife responded “and what is wrong with that?”.

 When you look around at many married couples today, they don’t have that enthusiasm for each other. Time has somehow eroded the fresh love and excitement of their relationship, leaving them to co-exist, and much of the excitement has been replaced with an occasional peck, hug, or a quick “I love you”. Relationships are hard work, and oftentimes need that occasional bond fire moment to rekindle the romantic love they once had for each other. As I type, I find these words true for myself. We all can do a better job loving our spouses (this goes for wives as well) and keeping the flame of love fresh and vibrant.

 Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7

 There is nothing weak about a wife. She was made by God with a special gift to love and nurture her spouse and children. Her heart is delicate and needs the love and support of her spouse. Whatever you need to do to maintain that flame, will benefit you, not only in your relationship, but also God’s response to your prayers. Let’s rekindle the flame of love this week! God bless!  



Friday, July 12, 2024

Psalms 16:6 The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance.

There is nothing sweeter than plans you've made that all fall into place, just as expected. Sure, the plan took a lot of thought and most likely many hours of labor to see its completion, but all the effort was worth it. 

Today's proverb captures that joy of seeing God's hand play an active role in the planning and implementation of a successful plan. I can recall numerous times during my 30 year career where I included God in the planning process and He worked miracles I could never have done on my own. 

As a child of God, you too have available His help in the many plans you will implement in your life. The key is to involve Him, and be flexible when His wisdom tells you to do something that doesn't seem logical. That's His way of showing you His authorship of the plan He's laid out for you, just waiting for you to fully grasp it by faith. Trust me when I tell you, a will surrendered to the Almighty God will never ever fail, but will leave you amazed how perfectly it came to be with His help. God bless. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

 “So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 20:16

 Back in Jr. Highschool I ran on our track team. One event I participated in was the 4 x 100 meter relay. Our team of four was just ok as we headed into the pre-state finals. When it came my turn to receive the baton and run, the other 4 teams dropped their batons, and my teammate yelled at me to give it all I had. We actually won that race and went to the state finals. When we go there, we were overwhelmed by the other teams…they looked good, and the final outcome, we came in last. It just wasn’t meant to be, but we had fun getting there.

 Jesus often spoke about the need for His followers not desire first place, but to come in behind the pack, to serve one another. That can be pretty humbling for some who have the traits of being strong willed or a drive to win every time. It’s ok to do your best at whatever place you are in life! At the same time, God warns not to let success be our idol by focusing on self and not others around us.

 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. Matthew 20:26

 I have been very blessed in my life to know some pretty popular and successful people. They have worked hard to succeed in life, but one thing they posses as a leader is humbleness. They don’t let their successes puff them up, but return thanks to God for His goodness.

 Maybe God has equipped you with talents and abilities to be successful in your life, that’s awesome. But, don’t let those first-place moments rob you of the blessings servanthood and humbleness can yield when you give God the glory.

 A man’s pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor. Proverbs 29:23

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Proverbs 18:1 A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.

Have you ever wanted to isolate yourself from the rest of the world? For some that thought wouldn't even cross their mind, yet people, like myself, have no issue with isolation. Everyone is different in their own way, and that's ok. 

Today's scripture gives a reasonable warning about isolation, “it rages against all wise judgment”. I can attest, my thought pattern wasn't always focused on God when living alone. I had no one to share ideas and more importantly cross check the thoughts and beliefs that were the motivation for my decisions. Looking back now, I can tell you Satan's lies screamed louder than God's whispers of wisdom, and poor choices were made as a result. 

I've been married for almost 5 years now and I can tell you it's a wonderful thing to have companionship. I always say she keeps me in line, and God speaks thru her to provide nuggets of wisdom, conviction, and most of all she reflects the love, grace, and mercy of God to me….something I wouldn't experience isolated from the world. 

It's ok to spend a little time to yourself. Just be on guard that Satan will try to use that time to feed you some illogical thoughts in an effort to push you further from God's truth. Keep someone close by so you don't fall into this trap of isolation that can hinder your walk with the Lord. 

 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

 When was the last time you checked the filter in your home air conditioner? Many parts of the country are experiencing hot weather conditions, which means those AC units are running almost non-stop, mine included. One of the most essential things you can do to ensure the health of your AC unit is change out the filter on a regular basis, like once a month. That filter captures any airborne particles and dust that can clog your system, making it difficult to operate, and overtime can freeze up the unit. I once had a friend who complained their AC unit wasn’t working, they pulled the filter out and discovered it was covered with almost an inch of dust and dirt.

 So, what does dirty AC filters have to do with today’s blog or the scripture in Psalm 51:10. As human beings we are constantly bombarded by worldly views, lyrics of music, people’s thoughts, deceptive media reports, and toxic social media platforms. Combined, these can pollute the mind and heart with things that are not holy, and go against God’s standards of living for His children. Left unchecked, our dirty heart can steer our decisions in the wrong direction, and pretty soon, we take on more of a worldly appearance.

 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15

 How can you live in the world, but not let it dirty your heart? Come to God daily, sometimes hourly, and ask Him to cleanse your heart of the toxic things you’ve seen, heard, and experienced. Staying connected with God, through continual prayer, is one way to ensure those toxic things don’t get to the heart, and shields you from making worldly decisions. As I type this blog, I remind myself that I have areas of my life that need to be cleansed and purified from what’s impacted me over the past few days.

 It will be difficult to live like a child of God when you allow the world’s particles of lust, greed, prejudice, judgment, and such, to infiltrate your heart. Come clean by staying engaged in God’s word and speaking to Him on a regular basis. God needs His children to be effective in their families and communities for Jesus Christ. God bless!



Tuesday, July 9, 2024

 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord. And whose hope is in the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8

 A number of years ago we had a severe drought in the South. I was told that trees grow stronger in droughts, as they spread their roots deep into the ground, searching for water. These are the kind of trees that weather the storms they encounter and continue to provide shade and fruit (if fruit bearing) for those animals and humans who depend on them for food. I’m pretty sure our trees in the South are spreading their roots deep this summer with the heat the limited amount of rain.

 As humans, we too go through periods of drought, when things do not go right, health and financial burdens zap all your energy and anxiety keeps you up at night. Where you sink your roots to get through the dry period determines your growth and ability to weather the future storms that are meant to knock you off your feet. Trusting God in all areas of your life is a good way to sustain your foundation and supply you with the strength and emotional stability to face whatever challenges your soul.

 Maybe you are in the middle of a life’s drought. Nothing is sustaining you and you feel like your life is withering away. Put your faith and trust in God to supply all your needs and He will meet you where your faith is and do just that. Dig deep into His word and pray continually, and He will nourish your soul, even in the darkest times of your life. God bless!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

 If this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:6-7

 I’ve noticed a lot of my friends have been going through difficult trials: cancer diagnosis, children hospitalized, death of a loved one, and so many more tragic and unfortunate circumstances. From the outside looking in, one may ask, “where is God in their moments of heartache and grief”. Thankfully for many of these sweet souls, they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and have noticed His presence working in each and every circumstance. Yea, the news might not be so positive, but the working power of God is taking them beyond their own strength to find meaning and purpose in their struggles.

 Life is about how you handle those difficult moments. Resorting to earthly vices (alcohol, drugs, reckless living, and such) will only lead to more misery and little hope for the future. As a matter of fact, many who choose this method often end up having addiction issues and their lives become a train wreck. Who wants that for their life?

 Friend, if you aren’t going through a difficult moment now, you eventually will face something bigger than you and you’ll be searching for answers and comfort. Come to the ONE who can give you all of that, and still help you find the meaning or purpose of the trial you are going through. God knows you well and your weaknesses. When you seek after His wisdom and help, He fills those voids of the unknown, provides clarity in the moment and makes His presence known by the simple process of opening and closing doors as you venture through the fiery trial meant to strengthen your faith and sustain you. The next time you face a trial, seek after God and those difficult moments will turn into God’s little blessings, day by day.  

Friday, July 5, 2024

 If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13

 Have you ever flown on a plane? It can be quite intimidating for those who have little faith in the plane’s ability to stay airborne. I’ll admit, I have been nervous at times, but thankfully the dozen or more times I’ve flown have gone pretty much flawless. To help my confidence I always think about the pilot, he has just as much interest in getting me to my destination as he does. As a matter of fact, he has more at stake with not only his life, but his reputation as a pilot and career.

 If you are a Christian, there are times when you probably have issues trusting God with certain areas of your life. Maybe it’s finances, relationships, your career, family, the list is endless. We have this desire to control our circumstances, thinking we can make for an easier life. Oftentimes the result is failure or we fall short of our expectations. It’s those times that God’s heart hurts for us because He knows us better than we know ourselves and yearns for us to follow Him in faith.

 I remember a specific instance where I was moving forward with something that God said clearly NO. I still pursued and even tried to convince God I knew what I was doing. Failure doesn’t even describe the results of my disobedience, and the pain I experienced from the fallout lasted for months and months. Only by the grace of God was I healed from my transgressions.

 Today’s passage pretty much sums it up, He remains faithful, He cannot deny Himself. If you’ve committed your life to Jesus Christ, He’s committed Himself to you by providing you His Holy Spirit (who resides inside your body). He goes everywhere you go, and it’s in His best interest to provide you the best possible path as you navigate life. How you live your life is a reflection of His character to the outside world. He depends on you to trust Him daily, even when He says NO or the path He choses is difficult. He’s got your back! When you walk faithfully with Him, you’ll see God’s blessings shadow your journey through this thing we call life.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

 From the Revolutionary War of 1775 to the present year 2024, and all the combined wars in between, a total of 1,304,705 American soldiers sacrificed their life defending this country. That’s a lot of lives! Freedom has a price and the soldiers who died were willing to risk everything to protect the very freedoms you have today. As you celebrate the birth of this great nation, pause to remember these brave men and women who laid down their life for you.

 There was another war that was fought, over 2,000 years ago, with only 1 fatality and that was Jesus Christ. The battle between good and evil, God and Satan, continues today and both forces are trying to acquire the souls and men and women. One gives eternal life in Heaven, the other is evil and its only reward is eternity in Hell. Each of us have a choice to make in this life, who we will serve. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, sacrificed His life as payment for the sins of mankind. By believing in His death and resurrection, you can share that eternal victory with Him. Rejecting Jesus Christ is victory for the enemy and you will not come out the winner.

 God has truly blessed us with this great nation, America. Why not celebrate America by giving thanks to the One who gave His all for your earthly freedoms and eternal reward that awaits you in Heaven. Celebrate life with the victory of Jesus Christ, your Savior today! God bless!

Monday, July 1, 2024

 Hold on to your good character, for it is, and ever will be, your best wealth. The Old Farmer’s Almanac, 1862

 If you watched the Presidential Debate last Thursday, you know we are in a quandary. We’ve got a President who can’t maintain his thoughts, mumbles and is under suspicion for being “bought out” by China and other countries. We have a former President who has been classified as a convicted felon. If character mattered as a president, neither would qualify.

 Since the debate, I’ve had some time to really think about what I witnessed and what I know as a US citizen. God has continually put on my heart and mind the subject of “character”.  The Oxford online dictionary defines character as: the mental and moral qualities distinctive of an individual. Who do we want running the country? If you have any scruples about yourself, you should want someone with good, moral character, who is fair and balanced, who thinks what’s best for America and serves His country to his/her fullest capacity.

 My first thought is, good luck finding someone who fits that description in Washington DC. It seems that once a person reaches a certain point of wealth or power, their moral compass becomes blurred, leaving them more willing to compromise values and look out for their own good vs. the good of others.  Fortunately, there are some great leaders in this country who’d serve America well, but they aren’t on the ticket (yet).

 So, how to decide who’s best for our country? Pray! We all have a hard choice to make come November and God’s wisdom will be needed as we head into the next 4 years. Pray for our leaders, that God would instill in them the good character traits we desire, who make decisions on our behalf and most of all pray that we are able to maintain our status of one of the greatest nations in the world. God needs to bless America and it won’t happen unless we all join together in prayer and seek His will.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14