Friday, July 12, 2024

Psalms 16:6 The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance.

There is nothing sweeter than plans you've made that all fall into place, just as expected. Sure, the plan took a lot of thought and most likely many hours of labor to see its completion, but all the effort was worth it. 

Today's proverb captures that joy of seeing God's hand play an active role in the planning and implementation of a successful plan. I can recall numerous times during my 30 year career where I included God in the planning process and He worked miracles I could never have done on my own. 

As a child of God, you too have available His help in the many plans you will implement in your life. The key is to involve Him, and be flexible when His wisdom tells you to do something that doesn't seem logical. That's His way of showing you His authorship of the plan He's laid out for you, just waiting for you to fully grasp it by faith. Trust me when I tell you, a will surrendered to the Almighty God will never ever fail, but will leave you amazed how perfectly it came to be with His help. God bless. 

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