Friday, July 5, 2024

 If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13

 Have you ever flown on a plane? It can be quite intimidating for those who have little faith in the plane’s ability to stay airborne. I’ll admit, I have been nervous at times, but thankfully the dozen or more times I’ve flown have gone pretty much flawless. To help my confidence I always think about the pilot, he has just as much interest in getting me to my destination as he does. As a matter of fact, he has more at stake with not only his life, but his reputation as a pilot and career.

 If you are a Christian, there are times when you probably have issues trusting God with certain areas of your life. Maybe it’s finances, relationships, your career, family, the list is endless. We have this desire to control our circumstances, thinking we can make for an easier life. Oftentimes the result is failure or we fall short of our expectations. It’s those times that God’s heart hurts for us because He knows us better than we know ourselves and yearns for us to follow Him in faith.

 I remember a specific instance where I was moving forward with something that God said clearly NO. I still pursued and even tried to convince God I knew what I was doing. Failure doesn’t even describe the results of my disobedience, and the pain I experienced from the fallout lasted for months and months. Only by the grace of God was I healed from my transgressions.

 Today’s passage pretty much sums it up, He remains faithful, He cannot deny Himself. If you’ve committed your life to Jesus Christ, He’s committed Himself to you by providing you His Holy Spirit (who resides inside your body). He goes everywhere you go, and it’s in His best interest to provide you the best possible path as you navigate life. How you live your life is a reflection of His character to the outside world. He depends on you to trust Him daily, even when He says NO or the path He choses is difficult. He’s got your back! When you walk faithfully with Him, you’ll see God’s blessings shadow your journey through this thing we call life.

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