Monday, July 1, 2024

 Hold on to your good character, for it is, and ever will be, your best wealth. The Old Farmer’s Almanac, 1862

 If you watched the Presidential Debate last Thursday, you know we are in a quandary. We’ve got a President who can’t maintain his thoughts, mumbles and is under suspicion for being “bought out” by China and other countries. We have a former President who has been classified as a convicted felon. If character mattered as a president, neither would qualify.

 Since the debate, I’ve had some time to really think about what I witnessed and what I know as a US citizen. God has continually put on my heart and mind the subject of “character”.  The Oxford online dictionary defines character as: the mental and moral qualities distinctive of an individual. Who do we want running the country? If you have any scruples about yourself, you should want someone with good, moral character, who is fair and balanced, who thinks what’s best for America and serves His country to his/her fullest capacity.

 My first thought is, good luck finding someone who fits that description in Washington DC. It seems that once a person reaches a certain point of wealth or power, their moral compass becomes blurred, leaving them more willing to compromise values and look out for their own good vs. the good of others.  Fortunately, there are some great leaders in this country who’d serve America well, but they aren’t on the ticket (yet).

 So, how to decide who’s best for our country? Pray! We all have a hard choice to make come November and God’s wisdom will be needed as we head into the next 4 years. Pray for our leaders, that God would instill in them the good character traits we desire, who make decisions on our behalf and most of all pray that we are able to maintain our status of one of the greatest nations in the world. God needs to bless America and it won’t happen unless we all join together in prayer and seek His will.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

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