Monday, March 11, 2019

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

This time of year, in the south, we have these little skinny bugs that come out of the grass by the hundreds. They are everywhere and fly around with ease. If you keep your door open for just a minute, you’ll find several have flown in and you will be constantly trying to rid yourself of these annoying pests.

Today’s verse is a good reminder to keep the door closed to Satan. He is like those annoying bugs, he is everywhere, just waiting to slip into an open door of your life and cause frustration and annoyance. He uses people, circumstances, hobbies, pleasures, drugs and alcohol, even your family….to gain access to your heart. Once inside, he can cause so much trouble, you’ll be chasing his demons the rest of your life.

Its important to always stay prayed up, looking to God for His wisdom and protection. Stay in His word and learn from the wisdom it provides. By doing so, you’ll be encouraged to close opportunities off to Satan’s tempting ways and live a life more blessed and full of God’s spirit. Keep the focus on God today so Satan can’t get in and ruin your life! God bless!

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