Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than other ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. Luke 15:7

When I watch movies about war, I’m impressed by the fact that soldiers don’t leave anyone behind. Even when out numbered and under heavy fire, the soldiers help the injured and fallen….no one is left behind.

God looks down at his creation, the human race. He created each person who walks the face of this earth. His desire is for a personal relationship with all of them through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. God saw fit to save you and me and all the other children of God. As a Christian, you are one of His soldiers. Your duty is to not leave anyone behind. The question is, do you have that commitment to help someone else find their way to Heaven?

Ask God to put that desire in your heart today, to care for those around you. They are no different than you….simply God’s creation. He longs for a relationship with them, and He wants to extend His loving embrace through you. Living the faith, sharing His love and speaking truth about the saving grace of Jesus Christ is the only way we can ensure no one is left behind in the battle against our enemy Satan. When a soul finds their way home, the Angels rejoice. Give God something to rejoice over today by bring someone to Christ today! God bless!  

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