Monday, March 25, 2019

For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:3

Over the weekend I went to Atlanta with my girlfriend and her daughter and her boyfriend. We had an amazing time and enjoyed great fellowship. One of our stops was at an awesome Italian restaurant for dinner. The inside was beautifully decorated and was just a wonderful as the food itself.

As we were eating diner, I noticed a large group had gotten up and left and the busy boys were cleaning the table. They removed the tablecloth, exposing the table beneath. Goodness, I was shocked to see this dirty table that was held together with tape and literally looked like it was on its last leg. I started to think from that point…..

Before excepting Christ, we were separated from Him by our sinful lives and non-acceptance of His forgiveness of sins. But once we’ve accepted Christ, His blood covers our sinful life and we are viewed as a clean soul. Our lives might still carry the scars of our sinful past, but God’s love blankets our past and makes us beautiful in His sight.

Maybe you struggle with your dirty past and feel like your life is barely held together due to the darkness of your life. Trust in Jesus Christ, your Savior, and know that your past life is covered by His blood. He no longer sees your dirty life, but a new creation. Have confidence today knowing your sins are forgiven! God bless!

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