Tuesday, March 19, 2019

For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. Ephesians 2:18

Try contacting someone of importance and you’ll find a wall between you and them. The only way to speak to someone of importance is through an appointment. Frustrating at times, it may take days, even weeks to make an appointment to discuss something with them.

Thankfully the most important person on planet earth makes Himself available to everyone 24/7. Through the Holy Spirit, living inside of every believer, we can talk directly to God Himself and ask those important questions we need answers to in life. He doesn’t place Himself behind closed doors, or is too busy to hear from you. No, HE is always available and ready to respond when called upon.

Maybe you are going through a time when you need God’s direction and wisdom. Ask Him without reservation. Maybe you are in a financial crunch and not sure how the bills will be paid, ask for His help. God is a master at solving problems and helping us through life. He knows the challenges we face and wants to come through for His children. Seek Him every day through prayer and watch Him respond to your needs. No appointment necessary! God bless!

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