Friday, March 22, 2019

He said, “It is finished!” and bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. John 19:30

Nothing I like better than Fridays. Once I finish the work day, its 2 days of freedom to rest and relax….if only I could do that…lol. Between Monday and Friday a whole lot happens for most of us. Between work, responsibilities at home and the daily decisions, Friday can give us a sense of accomplishment that we finished well.

As Jesus took His last breath on the cross, He said “It is finished!” No doubt Jesus devoted His entire life to God, His Father. Every decision He made, every word He spoke, every action He took and every thought that crossed His mind, His dedication to following God in complete obedience was fully witnessed and accounted for in the bible. Jesus finished His life’s mission well. Can you say the same at the conclusion of each week?

As Christians, we have God’s Holy Spirit living inside of us. At any given moment we can draw upon His strength, wisdom and encouragement to live our lives in Godly obedience. As Friday rolls around, take a moment to account for this past week. Did your actions, words and decisions reflect Godly principles? Is this week worthy of God’s recognition of your obedience to Him? If you are like me, you want to believe you lived it well for God and finished the week receiving God’s blessings.

Next week is on the horizon, prepare now to finish well by praying and staying in God’s word so you can absorb its wisdom and direction for the days and weeks to come. Its Friday, did you finish well? God bless!

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