Saturday, March 2, 2019

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23

I was talking to my son-in-law the other day. He works at a job moving boxes all day. He has several other people who work along side him, but unfortunately, they don’t do their fair share of the work and it puts the burden on him to make sure the job gets done. As he was sharing his work experience with me, it made me think about today’s verse and how we stand in comparison to the work of Jesus Christ.

Today’s verse encourages everyone to work with all your heart, not by human standards, but by the standard set by Jesus Christ. Simply recalling His life, He worked diligently for the Lord, spreading the wisdom of God, instructing people how to live a righteous life and shared about the benefits of staying within the will of God. Quite honestly you could say Jesus worked Himself to death, death on the cross, for you and me.

I don’t think Jesus wants us to die on a cross, but He does expect us to work at this Christian life with all of our heart and not just a half-hearted commitment to Him. He did all the hard work and opened the door for us to drawl upon His strength, wisdom and encouragement through the Holy Spirit, who resides in each child of God. Examine your life and see what areas you need to improve in doing the Lords work. There is a bountiful harvest out there, God needs workers willing to do their part to carry on His plan to save the world, one soul at a time. Do your part today and work at it with all your heart! God will richly bless you!

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