Monday, February 6, 2023

 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. Romans 13:14

 ore than 150 million Americans drink coffee every day, according to recent statistics. Of those, only 35% drink it without anything added. On average, 400 million cups of coffee are served up daily. That’s a lot of coffee. I recall as a kid my grandmother got me started on coffee by mixing 30% coffee and 70% milk. By doing so it diluted the bitterness of the coffee flavor so I could tolerate it. As an adult I can drink it black, but prefer some vanilla flavored creamer. How about you?

 As humans, we oftentimes dilute our favorite sins to make us feel less guilty for committing them. I think one of the most toxic sins that falls under this category is gossip. Nothing like some juicy information about someone else that makes you feel the need to share it. By doing so, you put that person in the spotlight of judgement by others and the cycle of sin continues, from one person to the next. Of course there are other sins, such as adultery, pornography, lying, cheating, and such, that justifying those actions sounds convincing to the one doing it.  But sin is sin, no matter how well you dilute its bitterness.

 Today’s passage should be memorized and carried out every day by those professing to be a Christian:  Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. What sin have you been diluting in your life? It’s time to stop making excuses and turn from it. Don’t make provisions for the sin you know is wrong. When you remain obedient with your quest to live a righteous life, God blesses you, provides a way out from sin’s temptations and restores your fellowship with Him. What are you willing to change this week to bring blessings into your life? God bless!  

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